I had been exclusively wearing my glasses for a week leading up to the surgery. It was really a difference for me, I never wear my glasses and for me to have had to wear them all day everyday, it was a big deal for me. I think I had a headache everyday from wearing them!

The funny thing to me is these eye shields that I have to wear when I go to sleep so that I don't rub my eyes. It's pretty ingenious on whoever invented the shields part, I would have probably rubbed my eyes out of my head! My eyes do get fairly dry during the course of the night.

I had a post-op the day after the surgery and I was seeing 20/25, basically as well as I was seeing with my current contact prescription. They informed me that my vision is at about 70% of what the final result will be. I can't wait to see what the final product will be.
To anyone considering this procedure, I would say it is a must have! I'm glad I have rid myself of the burden of contacts or glasses! It has thrown me for a loop at night though, every night, I head to my bathroom to get ready to take my contacts out. I guess 13 years of wearing contacts won't break that habit in two/three days LOL.
Dr. Filutowski and his staff were awesome and did an incredible job!
Glad to see you are enjoying the freedom. I think I'm attached to my glasses though. Lol.
I had the procedure done a few years ago. Totally amazed because I was pretty darn blind. Now I am 20/15. It still amazes me. Congrats on your new sight!
So you did it
Well done Son
I had mine done years ago
Did you get that burning chicken smell
Like you, I've been contemplating this procedure for years. My eyesight gets so much worse as the years go on. Thank you for posting this account....it's encouraging. :) I'll have to look into it, for real this time.
You got lasik surgery done and you were not nervous! Me, Coach E and others know you were nervous! Who are you kidding kiddo! Coach E got lasik surgery done, and now he can tell the difference between his diapers and his spandex shorts that he thought you stole from him! Now he can smack your OOM-PA-PA with his hotseat baton, and actually hit your OOM-PA-PA instead of your head! No more Coach E head concussions for you, David, for not getting it done on the track! Coach E will really be able to smack your OOM-PA-PA now if you don't start getting your OOM-PA-PA moving over those hurdles on the track! Enough of the fun and games kiddo, it's time to get back to work! Now, Coach E got some funky reading glasses as well that he is gonna give you, David, so you can be cool like him! I don't need to get lasik surgery as of now. Who knows what this dystonia will do with my eyesight down the road!
Coach E said you should have had your lasik surgery done with half your body on and off my EJHEAT nervous king size high definition lasik surgery bed, or in your words "high definition lasik sugery" bed, in diapers and spandex shorts like Coach E. That's so sugery sweet of Coach E. This is how Coach E had his lasik surgery done, and when he got nervous he hit the doctor in the OOM-PA-PA, I mean head, with his hotseat baton! The poor doctor ended up with a concussion from Coach E. He wanted to pass his lasik surgery hotseat baton on to you, and all you could do is drop the ball, I mean baton! Oh, Whatever! Anyways, Coach E looked so funny with his plastic shield, and when he saw you with your plastic shield, me and Coach E laughed our heads off, but it sure beats those glasses you wore for a week! Coach E thought you were 1 of his geeky professor friends doing physics equations that explain how the toilet flushes! Me and Coach E want you to throw those geeky glasses down the toilet! Coach E just keeps saying how much that David Oliver wants to be like him, but he insists, no matter with glasses, eye contacts, or with your eye sugery, I mean surgery, whatever, that you will never be sexier than him! What are we gonna do with this delusional Coach E?! The 1 thing I really do know about Coach E is the fact that he is a man of his word who always keeps a promise he makes to others, and that is words of wisdom that all of us need to live by, including you David! I certainly am a man of my word cause I don't want to get smacked with Coach E's hotseat baton. Wow, that hurts and burns the OOM-PA-PA! Coach E is now the man that sees clearly! So, you better watch out cause Coach E is coming to town! Your blog father has spoken!!!!
My mom did actually have lasik surgery recently, and it has been great for her! I joke with her about those funny looking reading glasses, but my mom looks real good with them on, and good without them for everything else! You would not know my mom or my dad are well into their 60's now! If my mom can do this surgery, anybody can have this surgery done. So, for anybody who is scared to do it, don't be scared! Like my mom and David said, it was definately worth getting done! That is the bottom line because me and I can see clearly now Coach E said so!!!!
Thanks for the post. I've been thinking about myself. Don't know
if I'm to old to consider it. Is there an age limit on this type
of surgery?
Congrats! It's great to read about your lasik surgery experience because I too have been wearing contacts for years(and glasses even longer than that). I've been pondering around the idea of lasik for awhile now.
It would be nice to wake up and see the actual time on the clock without having to reach for my glasses to do so...(I know, blind right!) lol
Wow, CONGRATULATIONS!! Will definitely help you on the track too! Everyone has a story right! Mine is that I needed glasses as a kid but couldn't afford them. So I got them at the age of 19 on my own and sported only designer rims, LOL! Then moved on to contacts and then dailys when they hit the market. I now mostly wear my glasses as my vision was getting worse from wearing my contacts all the time and from using the computer. Since I stopped and only wear contacts when I am trying to be "cute", my eyesight hasn't changed for the worse rather got better...still could use the surgery though! So I will consider it, but heard you have to do it again after 10 years? Also hearing that something stinks (guessing you're referring to your eyeballs burning), which isn't encouraging!!
lasik in denver can be had with high def vision at
That's exciting, my Mom had it done years ago and it made such a difference. Especially cuz she never wore contacts.
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