I ran 7.58, which is my fastest season opener of my career, clear training has me on the right path. My previous best was 7.60 from 2008. It's always big to me to come out and have a good race to start the season off, it's important because I use these early meets as reinforcement of what I have been doing in practice. You don't want to start out preforming bad because then self doubt creeps in pertaining to what you have been doing for the last few months.
I didn't run particularly well from the start, my blocks weren't the greatest, but my hurdling felt like I never missed a beat. It felt great to knock a little of that race rust off, I hadn't had a race at 100% since May 2009. My quickness in between the hurdles will improve the more I get out there and work on it in a race. All in all, I am very happy with my performance.

My training partner Novlene Williams-Mills led the Commonwealth Select team to a victory in the 400m. She hadn't run an indoor 400 since around 2006 I believe. She had a great performance and things are looking great for her for the upcoming season.
Unfortunately, Team USA lost the title to the Great Britain team by two points. Maybe we'll get the win next year.

Congrats! Nice legs. You are definitely a 'prize guy'!
Congrats on the win! You really did "DO it up BIG!" "DO it up BIG" is my knew saying for you in 2010! Me and Coach E got 1 BIG word for you, GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! Speaking of Coach E, he was so excited that he pulled out his 8 track tape and 33 RPM record, and he found Karen Carpenter and the Carpenters come out of the woodwork with 1 of his old favorite songs,"We've Only Just Begun", and since me and Coach E are with you every hurdle of the way, we thought "We Only Just Begun" will be a great new 2010 theme song! To that we say GOALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! Your blog father has spoken!!!!
The article was awesome and I know you will have a great place in your house to hang this article with all your other achievements, and I look forward to seeing where you hang this article in your house! I was so glad you were wearing the blue uniform with the red and white shoes! Coach E was glad too because he wears that same colored uniform and shoes that go so great with his red, white, and blue diaper and baton! All the pictures of you are awesome as always, and you really had your legs and OOM-PA-PA moving over those hurdles for your PB 1st indoor race time ever. That deserves another GOALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!
Now off to Sweden and another new king size EJHEAT rollaway bed with baton OOM-PA-PA smacker! I think that baton OOM-PA-PA smacker just might be your key to faster times while keeping you in line and humble! Of course, you will have half your body on and off the bed when you catch those DO ZZZZZ'S, and if you snore, that baton smacker will really let you have it! This EJHEAT rollaway bed will keep the heat on you to keep you on the ball rocking and rolling to King David victory! Me and Coach E keep chanting "Oliver is ballin'," I mean, "Oliver is hurdlin'", whatever! Keep winning so me and Coach E can celebrate doing my dystonic dance celebration with hip swivel twist and shout! That's the botttom line because we've only just begun me, and dirty diaper dancing Coach E said so!!!!
Look at you!! All awesome in your awesomeness. D.O. at it again!!!
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