Things out here in Sweden have been going amazing. Training has been definitely been awesome. I miss practicing with my teammates though, at least I'll see a couple of them in Rieti late this week. I've got some celebrity status out here too, everywhere I go, people here know who I am. It feels pretty good taking pictures and signing autographs. We work so hard and I appreciate every minor sign of respect. I guess people have been writing on Swedish blogs that they've been seeing me around town, so tomorrow I have an interview with the major paper so that should be fun.
I had to ship my Diamond League trophy back home unfortunately. It was VERY hard traveling with it from Zurich to Sweden and I have several more flights to catch and I don't think I can manage. That thing weighs over ten pounds in it's case. I got the information of the guy from DHL that is responsible for sending it just in case something happens, I know who I need to come back to Sweden and see about.
All things aren't so great, the U.S. track and field community lost a great man in Scott Davis, the voice of our U.S. championships for what seems like forever. The last time we conversed, I was giving him a hard time because he announced I was an All-American from the University of Tennessee! We laughed and talked out in Sacramento for what seemed like all night long. He was very entertaining. There's a Facebook group formed to put him on the cover of Track and Field News, I'm all for it! The people behind the scenes are responsible for the development and growth of our sport just as much as the athletes are.
Also my training partner Novlene Williams-Mills is dealing with a loss in her family and had to leave Europe abruptly. Please keep their families in your prayers.
Loving that you're enjoying being in the moment.. I think we all can learn a lesson or two about being appreciative of what we've been blessed with.
Congrats! If I'm in your shoes.. I'd be drinkin' a keg of that crunk juice! LOL!
Big ups, Big D.O.!
Happy for you. Good looking out for Mr. Davis and your training partner Novlene.
Skies the limit "Big Time" you seem to be such a sweet person its good to see good things happen to good people. Sorry about your friend's family May GOD bless them.
Congrats! Crank it up! Good looking out for Mr. Davis. My prayers are with Novlene and her family.
Congrats on your current and future success, bro'! You are making your mark in da track and field world.
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