It was a very humid night out there, compounded by the fact that it decided it wanted to start raining. The air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife! You would never assume I trained in Florida, but this was something very different. While warming up, I had to take several breaks and time outs, I didn't know what was going on. You could wring the sweat out of my clothing! Now that I'm back home, I am afraid to even open that plastic bag I put those clothes in. I might not pass go or collect $200 dollars and go right to the incinerator and break out a new competition wardrobe!
I had a great warm-up and I knew I was ready. The time I posted is a very good time for me seeing that this was my third meet. In past years, I've had my third meet on the board by the first weekend in April. So things are progressing about how they should. Right now, I have the top four fastest times in the World.
Brooks was happy with the performance, my training partner Dwight Thomas got second in 13.41. I was slightly disappointed because toward the end of the race I made two technical mistakes that cost me time, one over the seventh hurdle and one over nine. The hurdles were coming up very fast and at this stage, I don't have the race callousness the be in total control, but that will come with more races.
I'm happy that I came out of the meet unscathed and healthy so I can work on what I need to get done this week at practice. It was great getting a chance to chill and converse with David Payne and Ryan Wilson, a guy I hadn't seen since September 2008.
Event 122 Men 110 Meter Hurdles
WORLD: @ 12.87 6/12/2008 Dayron Robles, Ostrava
Ponce GP: % 13.35 5/16/2009 David Payne, UNITED STATES
National: * 13.61 7/5/2008 HECTOR COTTO, CALI,COLOMBIA
Name Finals Wind
1 David Oliver 13.12% +0.0
2 Dwight Thomas 13.41 +0.0
3 David Payne 13.42 +0.0
4 Ryan Wilson 13.57 +0.0
5 Hector Cotto 13.88 +0.0
6 Andres Amador 14.23 +0.0
7 Favio Vaz Dos Santos 14.64 +0.0
8 Adalberto Amador 15.27 +0.0
Congrats on a good meet! May God continue to bless you!
Great job D, so technical wit it!
I'm back commenting again for my hercules hurdling hero King who is back! I'm so happy & proud of you!!!! Just to let everyone know again that I am cutting down on my comments do to my bad dystonia arms, hands, & fingers! Since I mostly tweet, I have to cut down on comments on blogs & emails on days that I tweet! Today, I stayed away from tweeting & emails except for my Happy Mother's Day tweet message to write these comments! Your blog father has spoken!!!!
It was so EJHEAT hot in Puerto Rico for Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever, that you went out & won in meet record time & immediately passed out on my EJHEAT Spanish King size winner bed! Of course, half your body was on & off the bed! Before this meet, you had the Puerto Rican women passing out when they saw a glimpse of Mr.Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever, on the beach with your shirt off! They were even getting their hair done for Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever, as you looked simply ravishing with your new purple uniform with black & gold! Some guys got all the luck & you had to rub this in Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever, so I'm dystonia fighting back & I'm gonna take my shirt off so my EJHEAT family of ladies that read my comments can see me with my shirt off! Use your imagination ladies! LOL.... As I type this, I got my shirt off! So take that, Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever! I might be 39 with dystonia but I got to try & keep up with Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever! I'm begging Coach E not to take his shirt off! Your sweaty uniform is like Coach E's normal sweaty, smelly attire! So, give your sweaty, smelly uniform to Coach E & he'll be excited as he screams, "Oliver get your OOM-PA-PA & legs moving over those hurdles! Coach E will exchange your uniform for his beach batons & beach diapers so you'll be ready for your next beach trip! Coach E wears speedos over his diaper & oh no, that's not a pretty sight! Coach E thought he was gonna be your competition on the beach in his speedos & diapers & he said "Oliver get your speedos & diaper on now, & get your OOM-PA-PA & legs movin over those beach hurdles or else deal with the wrath of the Coach E beach baton!" While the women at the beach were fainting at the sight of Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, they were in horror at the smell of Coach E as he ran around the beach with his baton yelling at you Oliver! Coach E still thinks he is the single April man of the month in Essence magazine! Coach E has had too many concussions & is now delusional & forgetful & really thinks he's better looking than you , but somehow he can continues to keep remembering to scream, "Oliver get your OOM-PA-PA & legs moving over those hurdles!" Coach E is a real trip & he tripping over his 2 left feet right now while he is dirty diaper dancing in your stinky uniform! Coach E is Pepe le Pew! Yikes, Jinkies, & Zoinks! Coach E needs the wrath of the EJHEAT DO smacker now! My brand spanking new EJHEAT DO smacker for your birthday sure got you out of the blocks to your record time Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever! That deserves my EJHEAT dystonic dance celebration with OOM-PA-PA hip swivel twist & shout with my shirt off to the song "I'm Too Sexy!" Hit the music! I'm your competition now Mr. Essence, I mean Oliver, whatever! Hey, Mr. Essence, you are EJHEAT hot on the beach & on the track, but I'm EJHEAT GQ Dystonia Vibe Worldwide! Give me liberty, or give me EJHEAT! That deserves an OOM-PA-PA & Hoopty Doo!!!! That is the bottom line because Mr. GQ Dystonia Worldwide Vibe me & Pepe le Pew Coach E said so!!!!
Hi I'm Fabio from Brasil, I had the great oportunity to run with you last saturday in Ponce, I'm very happy because I could see you and learn too many things in this race, in the warm-up, I never thought that I'll see you one day so it was very good to me to gain more and more experience, to increase my movements in the hurdle, my PB is 13.95 so I know that each competition i can make my better and runnig with persons like you and the other athletes is a very good oportunity, so thank you to have this chance and I hope to see you again one day, have a great season and a great week too congratulations.
All I can say is "WOW". Keep up the good work. Congrats to you, Great Job! Couldn't happen to a nicer person. You make a goal for yourself and you go for it. It has to feel good. May GOD continue to bless you and your family.
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