I will be flying out tomorrow in route to Greensboro, NC for the third installment of the International Friendship Freedom Games, a meet put on by my coach Brooks Johnson and his team of people.
I have won the previous two titles here in 2007 with 13.22 and in 2008 with 13.08. I am looking to improve upon my performances this year. This has been one of my favorite meets to attend. This is the last tune up race before I start to get it on for real this season.
In other news, I received my shipment of uniforms from Nike today, the FedEx guy has been trying to find me for four days, I guess I didn't send my updated address in soon enough. The uniforms are predominately orange, a color that I have rarely if ever seen myself in. I don't know how I feel about it right now. I really got worried for a second because I thought that they had only sent me bodysuits, as you know, I'm a singlet and shorts kind of guy. I can't remember the last time I raced in a bodysuit. After sifting through six boxes, I found a singlet and short combination, so I'm pretty relieved. You all will have to be the judge if you think orange is a new color I should add to the wardrobe.
It does nothing for your figure!!! LoL
Aw. Chipmunk why you look so sad? I think it looks. Well.......
Aw.. Chipmunk why you look so sad?.....LOL
I think it's great! With these, you'll blind the other competitors so they can't catch up to you! Brilliant! LOL
Really though, you'd look good in just about anything Sweetie. So...um...you wearing these for the whole season?
Hi David,
I'm comfortable with you being shirtless LOL . . . the UPS man has messed it up for me :( LOL
P.S. You still look good!
Reality from the ATL . . .
I love bright colors and think you look great in it! Shoot, I would paint my house in crazy bright colors if it were socially acceptable...like they do in Mexico and Africa.
I want to see you in the bodysuit. :)
Hey David,
I don't think there is a color you can look bad in. Cheer up, your still a show stopper.
Aunt Celest
singlet tank top is ok.. PLEASE no short baggy short shorts like Richard Simmons wears. Spandex shorts or tights with your tank would look great.. Shame you would look incredible in speedsuits... Being a track star where speed as a must i would figure you want to stay away from baggy stuff.. After all you don't see mustangs pulling trailers! and one other note.. the last thing i would want to see a fine track athlete like your self in is baggy short shorts old up and dancing to the oldies around some size challenged elder woman :)
Happy Birthday! God gave you style, God gave you grace, but more importantly, God gave you life and another year in the race!. Really was not looking to rhyme but it just came out that way. lol.
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