Just found this video on youtube. Probably my worst technically run race of the season, but by this meet, I had checked out of the track season mentally.
11 years ago
Just found this video on youtube. Probably my worst technically run race of the season, but by this meet, I had checked out of the track season mentally.
I do have to say that this race looked like a train wreck. Of course, I always get so much enjoyment watching any race you compete at David, anywhere in this world because you are the man, and I watch your videos over and over again all the time. In this video, I loved your flower throw. I would have loved to know what the velocity, distance, and time of your flower throw was to the fans. Maybe this was your personal best of all your flower throws. Yes, I am feeling so much better tonight and my spirits are the best they have been all week. I just can't say enough how much you, David, and your blog help me. It is just amazing. Who knows how I will feel the rest of this week. This EJHEAT roller coaster ride continues. I do know this, I love all D.O. videos all the time, and all D.O. videos are the best. This is the bottom line because me and Coach E said so. OOM-PA-PA!!!!
For a second there...it looked like you might have even been texting on the Curve before the first hurdle...nice pull away at the end...
It's alright Chipmunk! ; ) Have a Great Day.
What you have is enough. What you can do is enough.
Right now you have enough time, energy, knowledge, skills and resources to point your life in any direction. Once you begin the journey, as you need more, you'll find ways to bring it about.
It's silly to wish for more when you could instead be making full use of what you have. Put your energy into creating the life you choose to live.
Allow your inner self to be exactly where you would most like to be. And the rest of you will soon be there too.
An endless abundance is yours if you simply choose to accept it. Fully accept what already is, and suddenly you have it all.
Instead of wishing for more, bring to life the very best of the dreams that are already yours. Know that you already are enough, and discover just how magnificent it is.
-- Ralph Marston
Ruff start, but you pulled it off!
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
Aunt Celest
On your curve on the first hurdle or not...
Not satisfied with the race technicalities or not...
U STA-ILL left everyone in the dust...
And one of them literally...lol.
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